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6WF War 13th December 2008

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:46 am

Dark Match
Freshers Ball
Ivan Petrov Vs Snake Eyes Vs GDC Vs Evil Scotsman Vs Misfit Vs Allan Grant

Misfits music plays as he is first out and like a kid on blue smarties as he runs down to the ring diving in,running the ropes and climbing each of the turnbuckles

Crowd laugh

Snake Eyes makes his way to ringside before the Russian Monster Ivan Petrov comes out

Dave Law-I know its a 6 way RJ but Ivans got to be considered a favourite with the impact hes made on the 6wf

RJ-It was only this Thursday he beat Finlay and he already has a victory over Abe Abercorn

Dave Law-Hes certainly the talk of the dressing rooms

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The crowd erupt before going into silence for the Scottish National Anthem. GDC,Allan Grant and Evils Scotsman come out together milking the crowd for all its worth

RJ-This crowd love it

Dave Law-Its not a tag match these 3 are opponents

The 3 roll into the ring and Ivan spears GDC back into the corner as Misfit and Evil Scotsman pair off as Snake Eyes ends up brawling with Allan Grant on the outside. Ivan is manhandling GDC in the ring and throws him over the top rope as Snake Eyes is whipped into the steps by Allan Grant. Grant rolls into the ring and hits fist on Ivan reeling him back into the ropes before cloitheslining him over the top

Crowd-Allan Grant! Allan Grant!

Grant slingshots himself over the top onto Ivan. Meanwhile Evil Scotsman is rolled into the ring by Misfit who climbs the ropes but misses a dropkick from the top as the crowd cheer once more. Evil Scotsman makes a cover 1...Kick out! Evil Scotsman whips Misfit into the ropes and backdrops him going for another cover while no-ones in the ring 1...Kick out! Misfit is picked up and connects with a Neckbreaker on Evil Scotsman 1...Kick out! Misfit climbs to the top once more and hits a beautiful Huricarana on Evil Scotsman holding onto his legs 1...2......GDC breaks up the count before hitting a Stunner on Misfit 1...2......Ivan punts GDC in the head


Ivan throws GDC over the top rope again and turns to Misfit going for a Spear but Misfit moves and Snake Eyes takes the spear. Allan Grant rolls in and is picked up by Ivan and thrown in the corner before Ivan unleashes hard punches to Allans chest. Allan is placed on the top rope and Ivan set up for a Super-Plex but Evil Scotsman is back up and powerbombs Ivan from the second rope while Ivan holds onto Allan Grant for a Super-Plex


Misfit dropkicks Evils Scotsman through the ropes from behind before being rolled up from behind by Snake Eyes 1...2......3!

Dave Law-Its over!

RJ-Snake Eyes wins the Freshers Ball and is the number 1 contender for the European Title

Dave Law-He will be watching Abe Vs Uryu later tonight very interestingly

RJ-Great effort by everyone and i think we have some future stars on our hands

JJ Johnson

Posts : 710
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:46 am

The lights come on as Fireworks go off in the SECC arena. The entranceway has a WAR tank at one side and camoflauge is all over the sides of the TitanTron

RJ-Welcome everybody to 6wf WAR.This Scottish crowd is hot and ready for tonight. What a show we have Dave

Dave Law-Indeed tonight 5 titles on the line ending in the big 3 stages of hell match

RJ-Right now lets take it to the ring

Match 1
Max Adamson Vs Hooligan

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Max Adamson comes out accompanied by Marlon. Adamson climbs into the ring and awaits his opponent

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The Glasgow crowd erupt into boo's as The English National Anthem pays and Hooligan walks out smiling

RJ-Dave i cant hear myself think

Dave Law-The patriotic crowd certainly not keen on Hooligans patriotism

Hooligan steps into the ring as Adamson gets massaged by Marlon

Crowd-England sucks! England sucks!

The bell goes and both men lock up with Hooligan suprising Adamson with an armdrag


Dave Law-Well usually Adamson isnt a liked man but i have a feeling this partison crowd are behind him

They lock up again with Hooligan locking on an armbar and taking Max to the mat before hitting a Monkey Flip and lifting his arms in the air

Crowd-You suck! You suck! You suck!

As Max gets up Hooligan hits a splash in the corner and Adamson hits the mat. Hooligan stomps Adamson a few times before leaving his foot on his throat 1...2...3...4...Hooligan releases. Hooligan runs the ropes but Marlon grabs his foot. Hooligan looks at Marlon before turning around straight into a big boot


Adamson stomps Hooligan a couple of times before hitting a legdrop 1...Kick out! Adamson waits methodically for Hooligan to get up and when Hooligan misses a punch Adamson hits him with 3 German Suplexes 1...2......Kick out! Adamson hits a DDT on Hooligan for another two count before whipping him into the corner. Adamson runs straight into a big boot raised by Hooligan in the corner and Hooligan connects with a Pump Handle Slam. Hooligan sets up to punt Adamson but Marlon again grabs Hooligans leg and pulls him face first to the mat. The referee sees and sends Marlon to the back

RJ-About time too

Dave Law-Hooligan started it trying to pick on a women on Lockdown

Hooligan watches Marlon getting sent to the back and when he turns around is hit by a Gore and Adamson makes the cover

Dave Law-Come on ref

RJ-If Marlon hadnt interferred maybe the referee would be in the right position

The referee slides back in 1...2......Hooligan gets a foot on the rope. Adamson waits for Hooligan to get up before going for a second Gore but Hooligan moves and the referee takes the Gore. Hooligan punts Adamson in the head and makes the cover


Dave Law-Stop counting RJ theres no ref

Xanthi rolls into the ring and low blows an unexpecting Hooligan who hits the mat. Adamson gets up and as Hooligan does hes hit with the Cyclone(F5) as the referee comes too 1...2......3!


RJ-Hooligan robbed here

Adamson has his hand raised by the referee as he looks down at Hooligan before leaving the ring

JJ Johnson

Posts : 710
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:47 am

The camera shows in the back a familiar figure from behind walking into the 6wf arena

Dave Law-Was that?

RJ-No! Is he back?

Match 2
Abe Abercorn Vs Uryu

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Black Mages,those who fight further plays as Uryu makes his way out to a decent reception from the 6wf crowd. Uryu sits on the top turnbuckle awaiting the European Champion

Ramblin man hits and The European Champion walks down to the ring to a similar reception as he steps through the ropes and hands his title to the referee. The bell goes and both men bein to circle before touching knuckles

RJ-Nice show of respect there

Dave Law-Respects not what we're after RJ. We wanna see these to slug it out and see who wants it the most

Abe single leg takedowns Uryu and climbs on his back but Uryu soon makes his way to the ropes. The two men lock up and and Abe puts an armbar on Uryu who forward rolls before kipping up and sweeping Abes legs from under him making the champ hit the back of his head on the mat

RJ-Abes not going to like that

Uryu lets Abe get up and pushes him back against the ropes whipping him across the ring. Abe ducks one clothesline as Abe bounces off the ropes jumps over Uryu and off the ropes again to be hit by a standing dropkick that sends The European Champion to the outside. Uryu runs the ropes and through them onto Abe before picking him up and throwing him back into the ring

RJ-This ones picking up a little

Uryu climbs to the top ropes and hits a crossbody but Abe rolls through 1...2......Kick out!

Dave Law-That was close

Uryu quickly kicks Abe in the stomach before hitting a piledriver. Uryu brick breaks Abe ( Drives both knees into spine 3-5 times). Uryu turns Abe over 1...Kick out. Uryu puts Abe in a Camel Clutch

RJ-Uryu working on that same area looking to set up for the Firecracker Bomb later( Top rope Mexican surfboard submission, but at the refs count of 4, shifts weight forward n makes the opponent land face first onto the mat). Abe is straining to reach the ropes but manages it as Uryu gets off and literally jumps on Abes back while hes down. Uryu goes to the outside and elbows Abe in the throat over the apron before climbing back in and slingshotting Abe's throat into the bottom rope before being warned by the referee

Dave Law-Thats more like it Uryu's showing what he will do to become a Champion

Uryu runs up and knees Abe in the face before hitting an inzaguri as Abe goes down. Uryu climbs the ropes and shoots off with a split second (450 corkskrew splash) but Abe gets the knees up and you hear Uryu's ribs crack on them

Referee-1...2...3...4...5...6...Abe begins to rise and gets to his feet on an 8 count before hitting Forearms backing Uryu into the corner. Abe knife edge chops Abe before hitting a Snap Suplex and floating over 1...2......Kick out! Abe airplane spins Uryu before diving into an Oklahoma roll 1...2......Kick out!

Half Crowd-Lets go Ur-yu!

Half Crowd-Lets go Abe!

Abe waits for Uryu to get up before hitting a Coutry Roads

Dave Law-Its over!

Referee-1...2......Uryu gets a foot on the bottom rope

Dave Law-Cowards way out

RJ-Great ring awareness from Uryu

A frustrated Abe hits the mat before composing himself and waiting for Uryu to get up. Abe sets up for Derg Valley Driver but Uryu holds onto Abes leg before backdropping him over the top. Uryu again climbs to the top and hits a Moonsault on Abe on the outside

Crowd-That was awesome! (clap x 5) That was awesome (clap x 5)

RJ-I think Uryu may of done his ribs just as much damage though

Dave Law-Hes never been accused of being the smartest knife in the drawer

Uryu holds his ribs but is first up and rolls Abe into the ring 1...2.....Kick out! Uryu pulls Abe to the corner and lifts him up setting up for The Brick Break


The crowd have spotted Project X slowly walking to ringside and so has Uryu who drops Abe and slides out of the ring pointing to the back

Dave Law-Uryu said he would give Project X an answer tonight and it doesnt look like they are prepared to wait

Adamson holds his hands up saying they mean no harm and while this is going on Abe has had time to recover and runs and jumps over the top rope crashing into Uryu and Project X. Abe throws Uryu into the ring and hits Knife Edge chops before whipping him into the ropes and backdropping him. Marlon climbs up on the apron and Abe hits him as The referee trys to get him from ringside meanwhile Adamson has got the European Title and slid into the ring and clocks Abe with it behind the referees back before sliding out. Uryu unaware of whats happened sees Abe down and climbs the ropes looking down on Project X before hitting a Split Second(450 Splash) on Abe. Uryu rolls around holding his ribs before covering Abe 1...2......3!

RJ-Oh no!

Dave Law-We have a New Champion RJ

RJ-Abes been screwed and Uryu doesnt even realise it

Dave Law-What do you mean doesnt realise. He knew what happened

Uryu is handed the European Title as Project X slide into the ring behind him. Adamson spins Uryu around and they look at each other before Uryu smiles and hugs Project X

RJ-What the hell

Dave Law-I told you RJ! I knew it! I think Uryu's just given his answer

RJ-I cant believe this

Project X lift Uryu up on their shoulders showing off the New European Champion and Newest member of Project X

JJ Johnson

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Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:47 am

Clarissa-Crime Lord tonight you go......

Crime Lord-Shush your beak women! I asked for this time to challenge the TAW Champion Hobo,if hes got a pair to a Falls Count Anywhere Match. This is my big night and i dont want it ruined by the cowardly Lion Hobo getting himself counted out or Disqualified. Im ready but Hobo,are you?

Match 3
Rock v2 Vs ????

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The New Dynastys theme tune plays as a cocky Rock v2 struts down to ringside

Dave Law-Hes got all the swagger of his Dad RJ

RJ-I dont know if his dad would be proud of the route hes taken

Dave Law-How dare you! Rock v2 recently got a pinfall victory over Hobo the TAW Champion and hes made Acer quit 6wf so he doesnt have to face him

Rock v2 waits patiently to find out who has replaced Acer

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The crowd erupt as Acers music plays and he walks out onto the ramp

Crowd-Acer! Acer! Acer!

Acer stops and so does the music as he has a mic

Acer-Im only out here as the Board Of Directors have said they will sue me as im contracted to fight at WAR. I dont want to fight tonight,i dont even want to fight that coward in the ring Rock v2. All i want is.....

Rock v2-It doesnt matter what you want!!!!! All that matters is you b8tch and moan and you call me a coward. Im waiting in the ring ready

-No reaction from Acer-

Rock v2-I set you up Acer and stabbed you in the back and if i could do it all again i wouldnt change a damn thing

-No reaction from Acer-

Rock v2-Why dont you go back to Wales with all the other cowards that arnt here in Scotland

Crowd-Booooooo A55hole A55hole!

-Acer nods his head-

Dave Law-Acers lost his nerve RJ

Rock v2-Ok try this on for size. Who do you think it was who ran over your boy The Saint?


Dave Law-It was Rock v2 all along!

Acer takes a big breathe and walks down the aisle fuming. He steps into the ring and starts trading blows with Rock v2 and backs him up before whipping him into the ropes but Rock v2 comes back with a clothesline. Rock v2 slams Acer and stamps him down a few times. Rock v2 places Acer in the corner before stamping him a few more times before hiptossing him across the ring

Crowd-Acer! Acer! Acer!

Rock v2 waits for Acer to get up before Spinebusting him. Rock v2 goes for The Peoples Elbow but Acer rolls out of the ring

RJ-Acers mind is not on this match Dave

Dave Law-He knows hes no match for Rock v2

Rock v2 rolls out and spins Acer round as Acer comes back with fists. Acer rolls Rock v2 in the ring and slams the back of his head off the apron over and over. The referee warns Acer who just pushes the referee before hitting a Flip Piledriver(Canadian Destroyer)

RJ-The Monday Night Draw has taken control

Referee-1...2.......Kick out!

Acer goes to the top rope for a Shooting Star Legdrop. Acer looks at the crowd and pauses for a moment before launching off. Rock v2 moves at the last moment as Acer hits the mat hard. As Acer gets up Rock v2 is waiting with a Rock Bottom before standing over Acer and throwing his Elbow Pad out


Rock v2 runs the ropes and hits The Peoples Elbow 1...2.......3!

RJ-Acers mind just wasnt on the job

Acers rolls out of the ring as the crowd still chant his name. Rock v2 just watches almost respectfully

Crowd-Come back Acer! (clap x 5) Come back Acer! (clap x 5)

Acer turns around and scans the crowd before leaving

JJ Johnson

Posts : 710
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:48 am

Hobo is shown knocking on Rivers office door

Hobo-Oh Mr Commish. Come out or il huff and il puff and...........

(River Ace opens the door as Hobo blows)

River Ace-What the?????

Hobo-Did you hear what Crime Lords said?

River Ace-Yeah i heard dont worry im not going to be changing your match

Hobo-I want the match. I dont want Crime Lord having any excuses

River Ace-You sure you want it? You got it!

JJ Johnson

Posts : 710
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:49 am

Hardcore Title Match
Last Man Standing
Phoenix Rose vs Nemesis

RJ:Ladies and Gentlemen this next match is littered with bad bl**d...its months in the making and possibly this will finally put an end to it.

DL:When a feud goes this deep there is usually only a few ways of settling it...Last Man Standing certainly will do the trick and we could be looking at a brand new champion.

*A video package airs,it charts the history between the two from the TAW heavyweight title match,to Phoenix costing Nemesis against Hobo and then finally Nemesis cashing in his title shot just days before.

"Epilogue" chimes out around the arena and the fans boo the m*nster that is Nemesis,he looks eerily relaxed as he marches to the ring,he walks around the ring area and scoops up a steel chair and slides in the ring,he waits as the ref eyes the chair hesistantly and then the crowd erupts as "Stronger" by Kanye West blazes out and Phoenix Rose runs down the ramp with the Hardcore belt over his shoulder,he jumps in the ring and raises the belt high as the fans cheer.

RJ:Well here he is...the hardcore champion Phoenix Rose...and he looks ready to fight the m*nster Nemesis right here...right now...what the h*ll is Nemesis doing?

Nemesis smirks at Rose and then chucks the steel chair at his feet, Rose stares at him and Nemesis shouts at him to pick the steel chair up and bring it,Phoenix kicks the chair and shakes his head

Announcer:Ladies and Gentlemen in this contest the object is to incapacitate your opponent so that they cannot answer the referee's ten count...there will be no pinfalls,no submissions and no disqualifications.

Phoenix takes the belt and hands it to the referee,as his back is turned,Nemesis picks up the steel chair and jams it into the back of Phoenix's knee and the champ falls down,the ref rings the bell and Nemesis continues his assault,he targets the legs of Rose time and time again he bashes the knees of Phoenix who cries out in pain,he then places the champ's legs on the ropes and proceeds to bash the legs of Phoenix who rolls in agony

DL:Brilliant strategy from Nemesis...target the legs and there is no way that he can answer the count of ten...if you cant stand up then you cant win

Nemesis grabs the leg of Phoenix and begins to pick him up and slam his legs back of the canvass,he then sits down with a leglock on Rose who is in blatant agony,he claws at the legs of Nemesis but to no avail,Nemesis smiles at the pain he is causing and begins to slap Rose in the face to further the punishment,Phoenix crawls and grabs the ropes but the referee cannot break the hold and suddenly Rose swivels onto his stomach and the pressure is reversed onto Nemesis,the monster breaks away quickly and stands up,Rose attempts to follow but a swift kick to the knee puts paid to that.

RJ:Nemesis given a quick scare there but he seems to have done the damage

Nemesis kicks at the leg of his opponent and then hauls him up and kneebreakers him,Phoenix stumbles but uses the ropes to keep his ground,Nemesis runs and boots the back of Rose's legs out from underneath him,Nemesis slides out of the ring and begins to pull Phoenix towards the ringpost...

DL:This is bound to finish him off

Nemesis sets up to ram the leg of Phoenix but at the last moment the champ pulls back and Nemesis is driven headfirst into the steel,the crowd cheer as Phoenix gets up an clutches at his leg,Nemesis holds his head and stands next to the security barrier as Rose scales the heights and takes off


Phoenix jumps off the top rope and Nemesis catches him and hoists him up onto his shoulder,he targets the steel post once more and once again he is outdone as Phoenix drops behind him and rams him against the post,Phoenix then uses his strength and back suplexes Nemesis driving the back of his head against the railing to sickening impact and even the crowd groan,Rose stumbles up and orders the ref to count

DL:Here we go


Nemesis stands up a little disorientated but attempts to shake off the blow...Rose smirks and charges,he spears Nemesis over the barrier and the two fly into the crowd,security move in to clear the fans as the the two men brawl on the floor,the fans are getting into it as Nemesis kicks Rose away and stands up,Phoenix runs at him again and is met by a massive boot to the face and Nemesis pushes him away into the fans and he steps back over the barrier into the ringside area

DL:Nemesis doing the smart thing...now he has time to rest

Nemesis walks over to the announce area and picks up another chair,he punches it and it dints before pointing it at Rose and the crowd boo,Rose rolls over the barrier and rests his head against the ringpost and Nemesis grins,he walks up to Phoenix and drives the chair towars his head but Phoenix moves and the sounds reverberates around the arena,Rose dropkicks Nemesis and he falls against the announce table and Rose runs again and flying crossbodies him over the table as the fans cheer,he picks up the camera cords and wraps it around the neck of the monster who fights desperately,Nemesis using his feet manages to control the chair he had before,he places it in his own hands and fires behind him and the aim is true as it meets the skull of Rose who slumps on the floor with blood trickling from above his eye.

RJ:My god he's done it...this could be game over

1....2...Nemesis stands up and dusts himself off...4...5...6

DL:He looks out of it


Rose staggers up and looks worse for wear,he is bleeding but he tells Nemesis to bring it,the giant looks amazed but smiles as Phoenix walks at him,they meet outside the ring and begin to trade blows as the crowd look on,Phoenix is being rocked by huge rights but ducks an uppercut and smacks Nemesis' head off the ring apron,he slides in tells Nemesis to follow,he doesnt need telling twice but first he boots the steel steps and hurls them into the ring,he steps over the ropes and is met by a barrage of punches,he tries to throw the champ off but he keeps coming back for more,Nemesis boots Rose and he finally relents,he picks up Phoenix and smacks his head off the steps repeatedly thus opening the cut more as blood sprays

DL:Go on Neme...make him bleed

Nemesis bodypresses Rose and drops him knee-first on the steps as Phoenix collapses in pain,Nemesis stands in the corner and tells the referee to count

1....2....3....4....5...6....7....Phoenix stands and spits at the ground and Nemesis runs at him and is drop-toe-holded onto the steps,he smacks head-first and Rose pulls him away slaps the anklelock on him centre of the ring

DL:Its no submission you dummy

RJ:Maybe so but he can make Nemesis tap from the pain

Nemesis is pulling despeartely but Rose will not give up,he yanks constantly at the ankle whick is tworked at a sickening angle,Nemesis is screaming like never before and eventually he taps out but it makes no difference and Rose keeps it up until Nemesis goes limp and finally he drops the foot and slumps in the corner as the referee counts

RJ:Great chance here


DL:Fight it Neme

8....he is stirring....9....

RJ:He's up!

Phoenix groans but picks up the steel chair left in the ring and crashes it onto the ankle of Nemesis who howls,Phoenix then slams the steel steps down on the leg of Nemesis and stands on the second rope...

DL:Surely not...

Rose jumps off and Nemesis showing amazing strength boots the steel steps through the air and they collide with Phoenix in mid-flight...the crowd cannot believe what they are seeing,Nemesis drags himself up as Phoenix is a bloody mess,Nemesis grabs him and chokeslams him hard on the mat

RJ:The exclamation point!

1....2....Nemesis climbs out of the ring and holds his hands in the air....4....5...Rose clings to the ropes trying to get up as the fans will him to get up....7....8....9....10

DL:Has he done it?

Nemesis holds his arms aloft but they suddenly go to his head as the referee signals that Rose just made it to his feet,Nemesis shakes his head in disbelief but has not time to react as Phoenix vaults over the ropes and clotheslines him to the concrete floor

Crowd:Phoe-nix x 5

Rose stumbles around and grabs a security sign which he plants across the head of Nemesis,he walks up the rampway and he motions for the monster to follow him,Nemesis is bleeding slightly and goes after his rival,they meet on the stage and begin to trade blows,Nemesis headbutts the champ who falls close to the edge of the stage...Nemesis runs with a clothsline but Phoenix ducks and dropkicks Nemesis' knees out from under him...Nemesis falls from the stage and he cracks his chin off the metal as he falls,the replays focus on this impact time and time again

RJ:That was devastating....Nemesis may have broke his jaw

Phoenix looks down at Nemesis who miraculously is standing up...Rose swears loudly and then looks to the skies and utters what seemingly is a silent prayer as he dives off the stage with a flying back elbow takedown that sends Nemesis flying into a set of tables...Phoenix lands on the concrete and seems to have knocked the wind out of himself


The ref takes his time to get down and finally he begins his count....1....2....3


....7....Nemesis is classed as standing as he sits atop a table.....8.....9....


Phoenix just made it up and runs at Nemesis who tilt-a-whirls him but instead of a backbreaker he smashes Rose's injured leg across him knees,he then looks back at the crowd before giving the cut-throat signal...

RJ:He's got some evil intentions and looks like the time may be called on Rose's champonship reign

Nemesis grabs Rose up and scoops him onto his shoulders....


Phoenix showing his spirit battled out and scooped Nemesis up and performed the Kiss(Michinoku Driver) through the nearby table onto the hard concrete

RJ:Now that is championship spirit

Phoenix is a bloody wreck and seems hardly aware of what he has just done...the monster Nemesis is bleeding but cannot raise himself at all....1....2....3....4....5....6....7...8....


Nemesis sits up and looks Phoenix dead in the eyes,Phoenix looks shocked and grabs the nearest weapon(a camera) and he smashes is across the skull of Nemesis who fall once more,the crowd cheer but Phoenix shakes his head and grimaces,he then points towards the crane used for putting the stage up

DL:What is he doing?....what is this madman going to do?

RJ:Whatever it takes

Phoenix climbs in the crane and begins to manouvre leavers and buttons,suddenly the crane moves and Rose moves it so that it raises up,on the end of the crane is a huge concrete block,Rose grins as he lowers the block gently across the chest of Nemesis who cannot move now under the hundreds of pounds ontop of him,he screams in pain and annoyance as Phoenix picks up a steel chair and moves round to where Nemesis' head is and he whacks the skull some five times opening up a huge cut and the blood pours and the referee counts


DL:No come on,thats cheating


DL:Fight out Nemesis,you can do it

RJ:Nobody can move almost a tonne from their chest

10.....ding ding ding

The crowd erupt as the referee holds Phoenix's hand aloft and hands him his belt,Phoenix is a bloody mess but his grin is still apparent as he looks on at the broken body of Nemesis,many medical and backstage crew come out to free the monster as Phoenix climbs back onto the stage and salutes the fans who cheer

Announcer:Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner....and still 6WF Hardcore Champion....Phoenix Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooose!

RJ:He's done,he matched everything the monster could throw at him and then outsmarted him at the end....what spirit

DL:He cheated....he must have to beat Nemesis in a Last Man Standing Match...he just must have!

RJ:No rules in this match Davey boy...you cant cheat...face it,the better man won

Phoenix celebrates some more before walking backstage

JJ Johnson

Posts : 710
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:50 am


Hero/Enforcer vs. The Zhis ©

"They Say" by Scars on Broadway starts to play and Cassius and Zheng make their way to the ring to a very nasty reception. They stand on the ramp holding their red strapped tag team titles in the air then roll into the ring. Zheng hands both titles to the referee while Cassius mimes boxing. '99 Problems' and the crowd go wild as the usual laser show flickers around the arena. Hero lands right in front of Cassius after abseiling from the roof. Hero taunts Cassius Zhi to massive cheers from the crowd before he points at the entrance ramp.

Enforcer (Saturday Night – Nickelback (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efgxeiHhwyg) the crowd go wild and break into larger chants of Trash TV.

RJ: Here is a former Tag Team Champion and a Hardcore Champion.

DL: But the man who will lose tonight!

Enforcer slides into the ring and Hero goes for a handshake, but Enforcer grabs his hand and embraces in a hug with Hero.

RJ: Looks like Hero still hasn’t learnt the Trash TV ways, they have brotherly love towards each other.

DL: *snigger*

RJ: WHAT?! Surely not?

DL: Well, it was the way you said it.

RJ: I miss Michael Wire.

The referee holds the titles in the air before the bell rings, Enforcer starts in the ring with Zheng. They lock up in a test of strength; Enforcer manages to get the better of Zheng with a nice pull then trip sending the tag team champion sprawling across the mat. He stands up quickly and charges at Enforcer, the Trash TV man attempts to dodge but Cassius slyly pushes him back into the way and he is mowed down by a strong clothesline from Zheng Zhi. Cassius is tagged in and he steps into the ring calmly. He looks at Hero while lifting Enforcer up cockily he hits a viscous Violent Swinging Neckbreaker, he leaves Enforcer and confidently walks up to Hero. He taunts the former 6WF Champion before pretending to hit The Shockwave on him, Cassius laughs before he is abruptly rolled up.

1…2…kick out! Enforcer takes a moment to catch his breath before standing up; he boots Cassius who is knelt on the floor with some hard boots to the rib cage. Enforcer then locks in a Boston Crab, Cassius screams in pain, attempting in vain to reach the ropes. Zheng breaks it up, Enforcer stands up and begins hitting the mute with various punches, Hero jumps into the ring and grabs Cassius, Hero goes for DDT, but Cassius reverses it into a Fisherman Suplex. The referee tries to keep order and orders the battered Zheng and rolls Hero out of the ring. Cassius and Enforcer turn to each other. They circle each other before out of nowhere Cassius hits a kicking combo, two kicks to the ribs followed by a spinning heel kick, Enforcer falls into the corner and Cassius taunts the crowd to boos.

Hero is now up and people are chanting his name as Enforcer tries to drag himself across the ring to tag in Hero. Cassius just stands on him to stop him reaching his partner. Cassius grabs Enforcer’s left leg and begins pulling back on it attempting to weaken it. He stomps it several times then tags in Zheng. They go for a double suplex, but Enforcer stops the move then kicks Zheng in the stomach, he throws Zheng in to Cassius then runs over and jumps tagging in Hero. The crowd go mad; Hero gets into the ring and shakes like crazy.

RJ: This crowd loves Hero!

DL: But how long will it last?

Hero runs and grabs Cassius he hits a strong Snap Suplex before dragging Zheng into the centre of the ring. He climbs the top rope and jumps off; he connects with a hard moonsault. 1…2…Cassius just manages to break it up. Hero stands up and stares at Cassius they break into a fight of fists, Hero then starts kicking Cassius in the mid section and then whips him into the corner. Hero runs at him going for a Shining Wizard, Cassius dodges and Hero lands awkwardly on the turnbuckle, Cassius then hits a neckbreaker.

RJ: Oooohh!

DL: The Zhis have won already.

Enforcer gets into the ring and takes out Cassius with a Face Check. Zheng manages to take Hero out with a low blow without the referee seeing. He checks on his brother while Hero is checked on by Enforcer.

Enforcer turns around and is pushed by Zheng; Hero was beginning to stand up but is taken out by Enforcer. Big E stands up and tries to apologize to Hero but is tapped on his back by Zheng. He stands up and Cassius connects with The Shockwave! Cassius grabs Hero and goes for a Dragon’s fury. Hero ducks though to massive cheers, when he stands up however he is hit with the follow through, he doesn’t fall straight away, he stands wobbling groggily. Cassius hits a second Dragon’s Fury this time Hero falling down. Cassius pins. 1…2…3!

DL: I told you!

RJ: The Zhis capitalized on a Trash TV mistake to retain their championships.

Cassius and Zheng are handed their titles to massive boos from the Glasgow crowd, Cassius lifts his in the air as Zheng looks on without emotion, they happily walk down the ramp ignoring the crowd how are trying to touch them and are shouting insults at them.

RJ: Now up we have; Honeyz Santa’s Little Helper Competition!

The show cuts to an Ad Break.

JJ Johnson

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Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:52 am


A contest with Laurie,Trish Stratus,Stacey,Brandi,Black Widow,Xanthi,Belinda and Clarissa

Black Widow and Xanthi tell Dave Law the host that they refuse to take part as the other Honeyz have a selection of outfits from Belinda's Elves outfit to Trish's lack of material outfit to Staceys Mrs Claus outfit same as Laurie

The crowd cheer for each Honey with Dave Law judging

Dave Law-It was close but the winner of The Santa's little helper contest is Staaaaaaaaaaaacey!

RJ-What? I thought Trish won it!

Stacey gives Dave Law a kiss on the cheek before leaving as Laurie watches on and the other Honeyz argue

JJ Johnson

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Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:52 am

Match 6
River Ace Vs Mike Hill

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Mike Hill struts down the ramp,thinks of slapping the fans hands before Shaking his Head and spitting on the floor in disgust .Stands on the apron and pyro goes off at the top of the stage

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

"Ace of spades" plays as River Ace steps out from behind the Titan Tron. The crowd cheer as he marches down to the ring and slides straight in as the bell goes taking Hill to the mat and hitting punch after punch. The referee trys to pull River off but he pushes the ref away giving Hill the chance to connect with a low blow. The referee turns around 1...2......Kick out

Dave Law-That was nearly the quickest match in PPV history

Hill hits the Hill walk(Standing Shooting Star Press) 1...2......Shoulder up. Hill waits for River to get up before hitting a neckbreaker followed by a legdrop 1...2......Kick out!

RJ-River not out of the blocks yet

Dave Law-And dont be suprised if Hill doesnt give him chance to

Hill whips River into the corner and goes for a Jumping Splash and connects perfectly as River slumps down. Hill hits River with a Brainbuster 1...2......Shoulder up!

Dave Law-Mike Hills putting on a clinic here tonight at WAR

Hill climbs to the top rope and River pushes the referee into the top rope and Hill falls awkwedly perched on the top rope

RJ-Dirty tactics by River but this crowd love it

River climbs to the top rope and hits a Super-plex

Dave Law-That might just even things up

River gets up just before Hill and his shots take Hill back to the corner. River whips Hill into the opposite corner before running in but Hill leapfrogs River before hitting a Superkick to Rivers jaw. The Lockdown Commish hits the mat 1...2.......Foot on rope

Dave Law-If River hadnt fallen so lucky he'd of lost.Theres no way he was kicking out

RJ-You might be right

River rolls out of the ring and Hill follows clearing the announce table before River runs and jumps on Hill as they both land on the table. River reigns down blows and picks up a monitor

RJ-Dont do it River

The referee virtually tackles River preventing him cracking the monitor off Hills head. Hill rakes Rivers eyes and sets up for a suplex but River blocks it and hooks Hills leg

Dave Law-My god!

Crowd-Holy ****! Holy *****!

River Poker Plexes Hill through the table. Both men are sprawled out

Dave Law-Can you hear me RJ? Well at least one good things come of it we've lost RJ but i think this one could be over

River slowly gets up and pushes the wreckage off him before screaming and picking Hill up

Dave Law-Rivers got his second wind

River picks up Hill and throws him in the ring. River waits for Hill to get up before kicking him in the stomach and hitting a Piledriver 1...2......Kick out! River hits an elbow off the second rope for another two count followed by an attempt at the Texas Hold-Em but Hill fights out. River stamps on Hills back before waiting for Hill to get up and hitting a suplex. River turns Hill over and drops an elbow on the back

Dave Law-River perhaps working on that back for the Texas Hold-Em if he gets the chance

River hits Hill with a backbreaker for another two count before applying an Abdominal Stretch. Hill shouts in pain but manages to hiptoss River. The Commish walks over to Hill who hits an Atomic Drop followed by a Standing Tornado DDT. Both men are down. Hill is first up and climbs to the top rope going for The Next Big Move (corkscrew 630 senton) but River moves and Hill lands on his back again. River quickly applies the Texas Hold-Em and Hill screams in agony

Dave Law-This could be it

Hill crawls and grabs the bottom rope but River pulls him to the middle of the ring and sits down on it

Dave Law-Theres no way out now

Mike Hill taps and Rivers arm is raised in victory

Dave Law-It was a personal match but River Ace gets a little revenge for Mike Hill costing him the 6wf Title

JJ Johnson

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Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:53 am

Match 7
Hobo © vs Crime Lord
(TAW Championship)

RJ: And now it’s time for our first World Championship match of the night, Dave.

DL: That’s right, it’s the Iron Man trying to overcome that tramp. I mean, how-

Dave is cut off as ‘Don’t fear the reaper’ blares around the arena, sending the Scottish fans into a frenzy. Hobo appears at the top of the ramp holding his TAW belt above his head. He walks down the ramp, tagging the fans as he does.

Crowd: TRASH TV!

As soon as the Champ has handed his belt into the ring announcer, ‘Iron Man’ by Black Sabbath is played over the speakers, but can’t be heard too well due to the booing the fans are giving him. Crime Lord stands at the top of the ramp, a smug grin across his face. He strolls down to the bottom of the ramp, before sliding into the ring and launching a flurry of punches at Hobo.

RJ: And there’s the bell, Crime Lord going straight at the Champ.

Crime Lord lands a few big rights, before using his hieght and strength advantage to push Hobo into the corner. Crime Lord goes for a running splash, but the Trash man gamboles forward, driving his heels into Cri me Lord’s lower regions.


DL: Dirst tactics!

Hobo laughs as to show he’s not intimidated, before slapping both sides of a bent down Crime Lords head. As he runs to the ropes for a clothesline, Crime Lord sees it coming and lands the big boot. He flips over Hobo onto his stomach and drops his elbow across Hobo’s back twice, before bringing him to his feet and hitting a suplex. He quickly follows it with another elbow drop and falls for the next, but Hobo slides out the ring, leaving CL to meet the canvas.

Hobo reaches into the ring and drags Crime Lord’s head off the apron, and lands a big chop across his chest. Crime Lord rolls in pain, half his body now out the ring. Hobo lifts his legs and pulls Crime Lord fully out, kneeing his gut and hits the Soft Shoe Shuffle (Front Russian Legsweep). Crime Lord is on the floor, holding a bleeding nose, and Hobo stalks him.

DL: Crime Lord already busted open.

RJ: Good news for Hobo!

As Hobo drags Crime Lord to his feet, Crime Lord leaps up and hits a spear, but continues it on, sending both men crashing into the steel steps. CL is the first up and rolls Hobo into the ring, before taking his time to recover. As Crime Lord slides in, Hobo hits a dropkick, but CL is quick up and runs at Hobo, to be stopped by a Hobo Handshake (Poke to the eye). Hobo goes on to hit the Down And Out combination, but the big man still isn’t down. Hobo climbs to the rop rope and goes for a double axe handle, but Crime Lord shows his strength and catches him in a bear hug.

DL: What strength from the challenger!

You can hear the champ scream in pain, before slowly being silenced. The referee walks over and holds Hobo’s hand up once, it drops… Twice up, it drops…

RJ: It couldn’t be!

The ref raises it up for a third time, but Hobo drops it into a punch on Crime Lord’s head. Crime Lord drives Hobo into the turnbuckle, spinebuster style, before raising him up onto the top rope, facing the crowd. Crime Lord wipes blood away from his lip, before running up at Hobo…


Crowd: That was awesoe (x5)

RJ: They don’t like him but admire his skill.

Crime Lord jumped onto the top ropes and hit a German Suplex, releasing Hobo in mid air as both men land on their backs. Crime Lord is quick up, looking to capitalize on Hobo’s injured back. He stomps down on it heavily, before whipping Hobo at the ropes and going for a clothesline. Hobo ducks it and hits off the other ropes and Crime Lord spins around, only to be knocked over the ropes, Hobo quick behind, by a monstrous clothesline.

DL: Both men on the outside again.

Hobo starts walking up the ramp, pretending not to know CL is coming charging after him. As Crime Lord approaches Hobo drops to the ground, causing CL to trip onto his face. Hobo smirks as he drags Crime Lord further up the ramp, leaving a trail of blood. As Hobo raises CL’s face, the crowd sees that it’s completely covered in blood. Hobo points to the tank positioned next to the stage, and jumps over, taunting Crime Lord to follow.

RJ: The Iron Man hesitant.

Crime Lord eventually jumps over, and follows it through with a clothesline, only partially hitting Hobo. Both men are a bit groggy, and Hobo takes the advantage by kneeing his gut, and hitting a double arm DDT. As he returns to his feet he holds his back in pain. Hobo walks over Crime Lord and leans over him, going to poke his eye, but Crime Lord raises his foot and hits a low blow.

DL: Smart thinking from our next champion.

Crime Lord gets behind Hobo and kicks his bum, sending him forward a bit. As Crime Lord goes to hit a spear, Hobo leaps up and hits a neckbreaker, sending Crime Lord motionless on the base of the tank. Crime Lord points to the gun of the tank and the crowd cheer.

Crowd: Let’s go Hobo!

Hobo clambers up onto the next level and begins to walk across the gun. He makes sure Crime Lord hasn’t moved, before leaping off.

Crowd: HOLY *&$£!

DL: My God!

Hobo lands a perfect moonsault and hooks the leg. 1…2…3Kick out!

RJ: The Lord of Crime leaving it late!

Crime Lord has threw Hobo dangerously close to the edge, and Crime Lord walks over, and pushes Hobo a little closer, before Hobo quickly moves and holds Crime Lord over the edge, before turning around.

RJ: Why are they here!

The camera spins around to show Mike Hill and Rock V2 on the ramp holding baseball bats, they start to walk towards Hobo who tells them to bring it. The crowd pop as from behind Steve, Gerry and Enforcer run from behind and clobber the New Dynasty men. Steve and Gerry go to work on Mike, as Enforcer starts brawling with Rock.

DL: He almost had it!

As this is happening Crime Lord had Hobo rolled up and got the two count! Still runnign with adrenaline, Crime Lord boots Hobo and flips him up for the Crime Pays.

RJ: 1…2… NO! Hobo still alive!

Crime Lord thumps the tank with anger, before an evil stare at the gun.

DL: I don’t know what’s coming next but we’ll find out after this break!

As they come back from the commercial both men are out on the tank, looking unconcsious.

DL: You missed one helluva risk!

A video replay shows Crime Lord taking his time to get across the gun, and the lights black out. As they come back on, Crime Lord is hurracana’d off the gun by a gliding Hero, but straight into Hobo!

As the video replay ends, it show the four Trash men forcing the New Dynasty backstage. It just leaves both men on the tank. Both men begin to stir at the same time, exchanging rights and lefts.

Crowd: (Crime Lord’s hit) BOOO!

Crowd: (Hobo’s hit) YAAYYYY!

Crime Lord is again allowed to use his strength advantage as his strong right forces Hobo teetering over the edge of the tank.

RJ: That’s a long way down!

Crime Lord runs at Hobo, but the champ ducks, thinking CL’s on his way to the floor. As Crime Lord flips in mid air, he hooks Hobo’s legs and brings him into a powerbomb position as they fall…


RJ: HOLY !*&$!

DL: Oh mama!


Hobo is driven on his back through a table, but CL lands very awkwardly on his ankle, and hits his head off a metal bar. Crime Lord slowly gets an arm over Hobo as the ref makes his way down for a count.

Crowd: 1…2….3!

RJ: HA! Hobo hanging in there!

Crime Lord struggles to hit feet, hopping from foot to foot, waiting for a dazed Hobo to turn around. He kicks Hobo’s stomach and turns him round for Mind Games (Unprettier). As Crime Lord is about to fall onto Hobo’s face, the Champ shows he isn’t weak by lifting the Iron Man up into a torture rack.

RJ: He’s got The Dumpster!

Crime Lord screams in pain as the ref gets in his face and asks if he wants to give in. Crime Lord yells no, and Hobo realises he isn’t going to break him this way. He starts to drop one way, driving Crime Lord’s head into the ground, Crime Lord doesn’t move. Hobo lies over CL and hooks the leg.

RJ: 1…2…3…!

DL: Hobo retains!

RJ: But what a show from the Iron Man, the EMTs are seeing to him now.

At the bottom of the stage, Hobo is handed his belt, before being joined by Enforcer, Steve, Gerry and Hero. Hobo hugs Steve, Gerry and Enforcer and there’s an awkward stare between Hobo and Hero.

RJ: If it weren’t for Hero, Hobo would have lost this much ealier!

As if Hobo hears him, he shakes Hero’s hand quickly, before all five men turn and climb through the crowd into the back.

JJ Johnson

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Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:53 am

RJ: What a night we have had here in Glasgow, Scotland! The matches so far have been of the utmost quality, but we are not finished yet!

DL: That's right, it's time for the 6wf title match!

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for our main event of the evening and it is for the 6WF TITLE!

(Crowd Cheer)

RA: This match will be a Three Stages of Hell match and the first competitor to achieve two victories will be the NEW 6wf champion!

The first stage will be a street fight, where there are no rules and no limits!

The second a submission match, where the only way to win is to force your opponent to tap out.

And if needed the third and final stage will be inside H*LL IN A CELL!

(Crowd cheer)

RA: And now for the competitors, introducing first the challenger from Compton, Los Angeles...he is the reflection of perfection and tonight proves that he is the main event playa...JJ JOHNSON!!!

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Go Hard by Nobody Famous plays around the arena and the crowd go wild as the lights dim and an electric blue spotlight flashes. JJ makes his way on to the ramp and the noise levels shift up another level. His left hand is heavily taped, but he has a steel chain wrapped around it that goes halfway up his forearm.

JJ touches hands with the fans on his right side, keeping his left hand close to his body. JJ flips into the ring and climbs onto a turnbuckle saluting the fans, before throwing his t-shirt to them.

Whilst he is still on the turnbuckle 'Just close your eyes' by Waterproof Blonde starts to play and the crowds cheers quickly turn into boos.

RA: And his opponent, he hails from Coventry, England...tonight he plans to send his challenger to H*ll and Back...he is the 6wf Champion...T-G-A!!!

Fireworks go off on either side of the stage and TGA slowly walks towards the ring. He has his belt around his waist and is carrying a baseball bat over his shoulder.

He ignores the fans, never taking his eyes off his challenger as he enters the ring. Once inside he hands his belt to the referee and signals a belt around his waist, telling JJ that he is taking it home with him.

The referee has a quick word with each man, before calling for the bell to get the match underway.

RJ: And here we go, the first stage has started and the atmosphere is electric! These two men have got the crowd so pumped up it feels like it could explode at any minute!

In the ring both men circle each other, every time JJ tries to approach the champion he has to duck back as TGA swings the bat at him. Each time JJ's frustration seems to grow, a situation increased as TGA laughs at him each time.

JJ throws his arms in the air and slides out of the ring in anger.

DL: That's it, it's over JJ Johnson has proved TGA right and quit before we've even started!

RJ: I wouldn't be so sure Dave, look!

Rather than leave the arena, JJ has started to rummage under the ring apron and starts to pull out an assortment of weapons. Steel chairs, dustbins and fire extinguishers are thrown around the ring before JJ appears to have found what he was looking for.

He turns to face the crowd and smiles as he holds up a second steel chain, this time in his good hand. He slides back into the ring and begins to circle TGA again.

Once more as he approaches TGA swings the bat, but this time Johnson uses his chain as a whip and catches TGA around the legs. The pain causes the champion to drop his bat and JJ quickly drops the chain and takes TGA down with a spinebuster.

RJ: JJ wasn't quitting Dave he was outsmarting your champ!

Johnson uses the chain wrapped around his bad hand to land bl*w after bl*w to TGA's skull.

RJ: We wondered how Johnson could fight with a broken hand...he's turned it into a club!

DL: But I don't think that was his brightest move, he's already clutching at it in pain.

JJ has had to stop hitting TGA and stands up holding his hand to his mid-riff. This break gives The Dynasty man time to recover and he rises his feet; a small trickle of bl00d is running from his forehead down his cheek. TGA wipes it away and motions for JJ to bring it.

JJ duly obliges and both men are soon exchanging punches, the crowd cheering each of JJ's and booing TGA's! Pretty quickly the boos are drowned out by cheers as JJ is able to gain the upper hand. He switches his attack from punches and repeatedly forearms TGA across his cut forehead.

TGA staggers back into the ropes and as he bounces forward JJ plants him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, leaving the champion prone on the mat. JJ drops into a cover and hooks a leg...


DL: It will take more than that for JJ to pin the champ!

JJ rolls out of the ring and throws the dustbin and steel chair that he found earlier into the ring. Instead of climbing back in though he heads back under the ring and pulls out a ladder.

The crowd begin to cheer as they see JJ holding the ladder, but they are cut short as TGA has reached his feet and baseball slides into the ladder sending JJ back first into the barrier.

The ladder drops to the floor as TGA grabs JJ's head and starts slamming it into the barrier, before grabbing JJ's arm and whipping him into the steel steps.

RJ: My God don't do it! He's going to k*ll him!

JJ is lying against the steps and TGA picks up the ladder and runs straight at his opponent, looking to drive the end of the ladder into his skull.

At the last possible moment JJ moves and the impact of the ladder sends the top half of the steps flying on to the ramp. TGA props the ladder up on the outside of the ring at the bottom of the ramp and goes back to JJ.

He lifts him up and guides him up the ramp,... TGA positions himself so he is facing the ring with the steel steps in front of him and puts JJ's head between his legs. He tries to lift JJ up but JJ grabs TGA's legs and stops the lift.

DL: TGA is going for the Angel Bomb on those steel steps!

RJ: JJ is doing everything he can to fight it though, he can't get him up!

DL: Yes he can, JJ is on TGA's shoulders - plant him champ!

As JJ is lifted he uses his bad hand as a club again and rains furious blows down onto the skull of TGA. The power of the blows causes TGA to fall backwards, with JJ landing in a seated position on his chest.

RJ: That must have knocked him out! The back of TGA's skull just cracked off the concrete!

JJ Looks dazed but realises that TGA is out of it and a sadistic grin spreads across his face as he sees the ladder in front of him.

He gets up and opens the ladder, setting it up so it is directly in front of the 6wf champion. JJ climbs halfway up the ladder and turns to face his still l*feless opponent, he signals for an elbow and the crowd cheer.

Once more though the s*distic grin appears and he shakes his head as the crowd look bemused. They quickly break out in to cheers again as JJ climbs all the way to the top and signals that he is planning a headbutt.

The time it has taken JJ to reach the top however has allowed TGA to crawl towards the ladder and begin to lift himself up on the lower rungs.

DL: JJ's showboating has cost him here!

RJ: It's not showboating JJ was willing to put everything on the line to take TGA out!

TGA has managed to make it halfway up the ladder and is landing punches to JJ's stomach, but JJ is using both hands to send clubbing blows to TGA's head.

TGA somehow finds the strength to continue his ascent of the ladder and is soon just two rungs below JJ.

RJ: A precarious situation here - this could end badly for both men!

Suddenly TGA stops hitting JJ and lets him continue landing blows as he rummages in his trunks. A glint of metal shines as TGA swings his fist and cracks JJ square on the jaw.

RJ: Brass knuckles! That dirty ch*at has knocked out JJ Johnson with bras knuckles!

DL: It's not ch*ating in a street fight RJ! It's all legal.

Johnson is dazed and falls back over the top of the ladder, only his legs hooked around preventing him from falling back.

TGA pulls a still out of it JJ into a seated position and unhooks his legs. TGA lifts JJ onto his shoulders and in one quick motion slams JJ all the way down into the ring.


RJ: That must have broke JJ in half!

A groggy TGA climbs down the other side of the ladder and struggles to make it through the ropes. He crawls over to JJ hooking a leg


DL: TGA wins the first stage!

TGA rolls away from JJ and leans on the ropes, trying to use them for leverage.

The ref drops down to JJ's side and takes his steel chain from around his injured hand.

DL: Well done ref! No place for steel chains in a submission match.....What's he doing that's unfair, c'mon ref!

The referee also walks over to TGA and forces him to hand over the brass knuckles he had just used.

RJ: Like you said no place for that in a submission match!

DL: Never mind about that! First bl00d to TGA – this should be over before that Steel structure is lifted down.

RJ: I fancy JJ in this one.

JJ Johnson

Posts : 710
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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6WF War 13th December 2008 Empty Re: 6WF War 13th December 2008

Post by JJ Johnson Sat May 11, 2013 12:54 am

JJ gets up still favouring his hand as TGA comes straight over and goes to work on it again. He stamps on it a few times before applying a wrist lock, to which JJ screams in pain. Out of desperation, JJ rolls through and jumps up and rakes TGA’s eyes.

DL: C’mon ref!

TGA lets go giving JJ enough time to floor TGA with a clothesline. JJ performs a few elbows to TGA’s chest before going to work on TGAs legs with a few well placed kicks. TGA catches one and pulls JJ down and they start brawling on the floor. TGA gets the upper hand and goes to lock in the sharpshooter.

DL: He’s got it locked in the centre of the ring – forget the hell in the cell, TGA is going to retain!

JJ is screaming in agony but refuses to tap. He slowly crawls to the ropes which TGA cant believe! JJ gets there and TGA instantly releases and drags JJ back to the centre, lifts him and puts him in a octopus stretch.

RJ: this is unrelenting from the champ – go on JJ

JJ somehow manages to power his way and performs a fireman’s suplex on TGA. JJ gets up and is very weary, staggering on his feet. TGA sees this and jumps up and goes for a spear but JJ has it measured and drop toe holds TGA into the turnbuckle. JJ instantly gets up and drags TGA to the centre of the ring and locks in his standing ankle lock. TGA screams in pain but refuses to tap.

DL: c’mon champ….get to the ropes.

Slowly TGA crawls to the ropes and just makes it as the ref breaks the hold. JJ gets up, stamps on TGAs ankle and drags him back to the centre and applies the ankle lock again but this time sits down. After several seconds, with TGA going nowhere, the champ taps.

RJ: My god, that was quick! Just shows that when you are at the top, matches can turn in a second!

Both men go back to their corners and slump down exhausted as a commercial break kicks in.

As the two men are still sitting in their respective corners, bloodied from the streetfight, the cage begins to lower.

RJ: Here we go Dave – the final stage of the quite appropriately named ‘Hell’

DL: Both of these men have given their all already – how much more do they have in their tanks?

RJ: although I hate to say it, TGA has shown the true heart of a champ but JJ has matched him all the way so far. I have a feeling that we may have a new champ tonight.

DL: never gonna happen RJ – TGA is the real deal!

As the cage reaches the ground, both men begin to lift themselves on the ropes. They both look at each other and give each other a nod of respect and approach for the final fall of the night. The ref rings the bell and TGA runs at JJ and takes him down with a spear.

DL: TGA first out of the blocks…

TGA lifts JJ and whips him to the ropes and back body flips him. He rolls him out of the ring and whips JJ into the cage wall, as JJ wails in agony. TGA runs at JJ for a big splash against the steel but JJ moves at the last moment leaving TGA to go full force into the cage himself.

RJ: ouch! These men are leaving nothing behind tonight.

JJ picks up TGA and runs him into the ring post and they both collapse. JJ picks up TGA one more time and rolls him into the ring. JJ climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a flying elbow – nobody home! TGA staggers up and sees JJ rolling around on the floor clutching his arm and hand. TGA quickly jumps on the arm and follows up with several knees to the injured hand and goes for the cover…1…2…kick out.

DL: that was a slow count ref!

TGA lifts to his feet and applies a bear hug. JJ tries to power out but has to resort to a headbutt to break the hold that sends both men stumbling to the ropes. JJ comes to his senses first and runs at TGA and sends him over the ropes with a perfectly placed dropkick. TGA lands on his feet but is unaware of his position. Meanwhile JJ has bounced off the ropes and performed a jump over the top rope and into TGA on the outside.

RJ: My god! JJ has speared TGA through the cage wall. And they both look hurt!

Following on from the over the rope jump, the momentum has carried both men through the cage to the outside. JJ makes the cover…

Ref: get it back in the ring JJ!

JJ gets up and as he is lifting TGA he gets low blowed as the ref misses it. This allows TGA to try and get his composure.

DL: what are you doing champ!?

TGA begins to climb the outside of the steel and gets to the top and walks to the far side and collapses. JJ has regained his composure and begins to climb the structure to. By the time he has reached the top, TGA has recovered and decides to run for a clothesline at JJ, who has the same idea. They meet in the middle and perform a simultaneous clothesline on each other. As they fall the steel gives way and both men fall to the ring below.

Crowd: Holy S**T! x 5

RJ: my god – someone get paramedics!

The ref checks on them and sees that they are both still moving but in serious pain. He goes to the ropes and signals for EMTS to come running down. As he is doing this JJ somehow manages to shift his arm over TGA.

RJ: Go on Ref – make the count! What are you doing?

The ref is unaware of the cover and although he keeps glancing back he doesn’t notice the hand on TGA.

DL: That’s it ref – call the medics!

RJ: JJ would have won by now – Ref! REF! make the count!

The ref looks at JJ and TGA and sees the arm and makes the count……1…….2…….ding ding!

RJ: he did it! We have a new champ!

Announcer: The ref has called the match at 42minutes. With the scores tied at 1 pin each and due to neither man being able to carry on this fight a draw. Ladies and Gentleman, your 6WF champion….TGA.

RJ: I don’t believe it! What the hell is going on? This is not right….TGA didn’t kick out! JJ should be champ.

As JJ begins to stir in the ring, the rest of the dynasty come down and scoop up TGA and take him to the back with his belt. Crimelord whispers something into the refs ear and smiles before lifting the refs hand to the crowd. The crowd go wild and start throwing things into the ring at the ref and Crimey who both leave sharpish.

JJ gets up and looks at the reactions of the crowd. He picks up the mic and begins to speak.

JJ: this is just so (censored) up. I cant do this no more. You know I love you guys but I’ve had enough of the BS that is flying around. Playas….(looks at the Hollywood entourage at ringside)….I’m in…..

JJ drops the mic and gives a BP salute and rolls out of the ring with the Hollywood guys as “Go hard” by Nobody Famous plays. The crowd are going wild, as some fans are looking shell-shocked by JJ’s speech.

As JJ gets to the top, River comes out at the top of the ramp.

RA: I know we haven’t seen eye to eye in the past, but don’t leave this way. I’ve already fired the ref and although I don’t know who the next GM of the 6WF belt is yet, I will do my best to get you a rematch.

JJ: Shove it….

RA: whatever happens JJ, you’ve always got a home here in the 6wf

JJ and his posse brush past River as the WAR theme plays out.

DL: I gotta say RJ, even I am shocked at tonight’s events – and I am sure we will find out more on Thursdays Lockdown….

JJ Johnson

Posts : 710
Join date : 2013-02-26
Age : 34

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